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Business listings in Saint-Hyacinthe

YP Canada maintains comprehensive contact listings for in and around the Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec region. With the largest business listings you can find in Canada, gets you connected. If you live around Saint-Hyacinthe, discover the best user-reviewed products and services close to you, with Yellow Pages Canada.

A gin and tonic is good, but sometimes a cucumber-rosemary gin and tonic is even better. Montreal offers an array of cool places that have dared to add some extra "oomph" to their cocktail menus to please clientele who – like us – like to drink well. Here are the Montreal cocktail bars you should be checking out!
It’s time to get spooky! Find the ultimate Halloween getup by scouring some of the city’s best costume shops. Not sure where to start? Here are a few of the top locations in town to find the perfect costume.[Image credit:]
Do you aspire to be one of Montreal's trend-setters? To be the one wearing the latest fashions before anyone else? If so, here’s a selection of fashion boutiques to help you add to your daring, avant-garde wardrobe.

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