Soothing and health-enhancing Thai massage explained

November 29, 2014

Whether it's to help manage muscle tension or work through difficult or negative emotions, soothing and health-enhancing Thai massage could be just what you need. Here's more information on this ancient art.

Soothing and health-enhancing Thai massage explained

Thai massage was created by Buddhist monks and dates back over 2,500 years. A combination of yoga, tai chi, meditation and traditional Indian medicine, it focuses on harmonizing the mind, body and spirit connection by promoting emotional self-awareness.

  • Among other things, it works on energy meridians and pressure points throughout the body, similar to acupuncture and reflexology.


Thai massage is truly dynamic. Your body will be manipulated in ways it may not be used to, but the experience is quite relaxing so there is nothing to fear.

There are three main characteristics of the Thai massage.

  1. The first involves assisted stretching techniques, borrowed from specific yoga poses. Stretching is aided as you work in tandem with the therapist.
  2. Next, there is energy work. The practitioner uses their thumbs, fingers, feet, arms and even elbows to activate pressure points. They also massage and manipulate arms and legs to engage the entire body.
  3. Finally, there is meditation. It is an essential part of Thai massage. This is about tuning into one’s own intuition to cultivate a reflective state of mind. Meditation promotes spiritual openness, which is essential for integrating all the various benefits of Thai massage.

Thai massage is done lying down on a mattress on the floor with your clothes on. Dress comfortably in loose-fitting garments.


  • Thai massage is invigorating, improves flexibility of the spine and relieves back pain.
  • It also helps to improve blood circulation, eliminate toxins and relax weary muscles. The technique can help treat chronic headaches, digestive problems, menstrual cramps, arthritis pain and insomnia.
  • On a psychological level, it helps to diminish stress, negative emotions and anxiety by promoting a sense of serenity and inner peace. It allows for a better flow of energy throughout the body andencouragesa general state of relaxation and well-being.

Adverse effects

In addition to the usual rules and guidelines for massage therapy, Thai massage is not recommended for people with hemophilia, osteoporosis, bone loss, rheumatoid arthritis or phlebitis.

If you're unsure or have any concerns, your family physician is a good person to ask about the risks that may be specific to your health situation.

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