Body Being & Heart is a Somatic Therapy body centered path to wellness using gentle touch therapies and somatic education to allow you to heal from injury, chronic conditions, brain and spinal cord issues and so much more. Insurance Receipts.
Professional Cetified Trainings available so you too can write Insurance Receipts for your Clients.
Kyra Lober is the creator of Body Being & Heart, Thearapies for Body and Spirit. She specializes in working with women who are stressed and have physical symptoms. Release stuck emotions from your body, balance your chakras and embody your light. Become happy and healthy, who you truly are as you open to your purpose as you discover the love inside of you!
Kyra has traveled the world on her spiritual path. She and Body Being & Heart support yourjourney to your own Self. Join Sessions, Trainings, Professional Programs, Spiritual Retreats both in person and on line.
Join the Body Being & Heart Personal and certified Professional Programmore...See more text
Products and Services
Gentle Touch Energy Healing, Vibrational Acupuncture-no needles, CranioSacral and Brain Therapy, Spiritual Healing and Consuling,