Deep tissue orthopedic massage therapy.
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Herniated Disc, Bulging Disc, Degenerative Disc Disease, Low Back Pain, Period Pain, Sciatica.more...See more text
Stéphane Gagné est originaire de la région d’Edmundston et a obtenu son diplôme en massothérapie en 2020, ayant complété ses études au Collège Atlantique de massage thérapeutique. ...more...See more text
Corrie E Joudry, Therapeutic & Relaxation Massage, Craniosacral Therapy , Hot Stone Massage
Stop carrying years of accumulated tension and stress in your body with the help of Florenceville Massage Therapy Clinic. We offer therapeutic, relaxation and hot stone massage, a...more...See more text